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I have an existing Account


1. Click on Parent Login

2. Type in newhopegymnastics -one word no spaces when    asked for organization

3. Enter your email on file with New Hope Gymnastics

4. Click on Forget Password

You will receive an email with a verification code

5. enter verification code

you are now able to log into your account and you can see your children and your account balances.

Please enroll the children into the classes of your choice. Team gymnasts have been enrolled by the office.

New Customers


1. Click on Create Account

2. Type in newhopegymnastics -one word no spaces when    asked for organization

3. Enter your email

4. Create a Password

5. Enter your information

6. Enter your child/ren s information

Please enroll the children into the classes of your choice. Team gymnasts have been enrolled by the office.

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